6 min read
Creating a Personal Brand: Elevate Your Influence

Reflecting on it now, I see how my personal brand has been quietly shaping itself, guided by a bigger plan I had yet to grasp fully. God was the architect, and I was unknowingly laying the bricks. In 2018, when I took on the role of College and Career Specialist at a local high school, I began to uncover my innate talents for nurturing others, deep-diving into research, bringing plans to life, and guiding people toward their perfect job opportunities. It wasn't my original plan, but it was part of a divine design, prepping me to support hundreds of professionals.

As the years unfolded, my reputation grew organically around career services – the pulse of my conversations and the heart of my volunteer work. There was an undeniable joy that sparked within me each time someone achieved their dream job, a joy that resonated with my soul's purpose. Whether I realized it then or not, this was the essence of my personal brand coming to life, one that has continued to grow and take on new meaning over time.

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, the term "personal branding" is more than just buzzwords; it's an essential strategy for professional growth. 

The way we present ourselves online and within our communities has the power to not only shape perceptions but also to open doors to new opportunities. Crafting a personal brand is akin to creating a living resume that breathes life into your career aspirations business goals, and showcases your unique strengths. 

Understanding Personal Branding

Think of personal branding as the art of deliberately crafting the image and reputation you want to project professionally. It's about establishing yourself as a knowledgeable leader in your field, enhancing your credibility, and setting yourself apart from the competition. Your personal brand reflects your value proposition and the unique emotional experience people get when interacting with you, whether online or offline.

Sometimes, without even realizing it, we're living out our personal brand. I'm not just talking about the persona we've crafted or the image others have of us right now. I'm referring to the unique blueprint God created within each of us. 

Looking back, I didn't fully understand my own brand, but as life unfolded and God led me into a new career path, my authentic brand began to emerge.

It's worth noting that when I stumbled upon a role that not only brought me joy but was also something I excelled at, I started to embrace it wholeheartedly, as much as I knew at the time.

You might be on the hunt for your brand in everything you do, but it's crucial to pause and spend time with God to gain clarity on what your brand truly is. In the following sections, we'll explore the best ways to connect with God for insight.

Defining Your Brand

True expertise isn't just declared; it's something you earn, step by step, with dedication and a thirst for knowledge. Think back to when you started a new role – remember that flutter of nerves on your first day? Yet, with time, those butterflies settled, your understanding deepened, and confidence bloomed in their place. This journey is much like developing the core topics your brand champions.

Whether you're coaching others to navigate their career paths or you're the guru of hair care, offering products that promise luscious locks, it's the continuous conversation and education around your passion that cements your status as an authority in your field. The more you share and engage with your subject, the more naturally you'll be recognized as the expert you are.

During your reflection time, consider the following questions:

  • What are my core values? This refers to the principles that are non-negotiable in your life and work.
  • What is my passion? Identifying what drives you will give your brand a sense of purpose and direction.
  • What unique skills do I bring to the table? Your unique skills are your arsenal in the marketplace.
  • How do others perceive me? Perception is often a reality in branding. Understanding this can guide you toward how you might need to shift your narrative.

If you need guidance and additional prompts, please download the Brand Identity Breakthrough Worksheet

Establishing Your Expertise

Expertise isn't something you claim; it's built and proven over time with unwavering dedication and a journey of continuous learning. Think back to when you stepped into a new role. You might recall the initial jitters, the uncertainty of being the newcomer. But as days turned into weeks, that unease faded, and your growing knowledge fortified your confidence. This process mirrors how you establish your brand's authority on its key topics.

Let's say you're a coach guiding individuals towards a new career, or perhaps you're the expert whose hair care products are transforming locks. The more you immerse yourself in and share your expertise, the more you'll be acknowledged as a seasoned professional in your industry.

Positioning yourself as a thought leader entails:

  • Continual Learning: Keep your skills sharp and knowledge current. Online courses, reading, and attending workshops can fuel your expertise.
  • Industry Trends: Stay informed about the latest happenings in your field. Being able to discuss these trends positions you as someone engaged and forward-thinking.
  • Sharing Insights: Whether through a personal blog, a podcast series, guest speaking events, or an active social media presence, sharing your knowledge is key. 

Remember, learning is a continuous process that enriches your personal brand by adding substance to your professional image.

Hone Your Direction

I've learned a valuable lesson on my entrepreneurial path: the issue of trying to focus on everyone. 

Back in 2019, when my resume writing service took off, I didn't have a clear picture of who I was writing for. It was a rollercoaster, swinging from niche markets to a broad approach. But as I started to zero in on Full-stack Developers, clarity surfaced. 

Suddenly, research and outreach became more streamlined, and my understanding of who needed my services deepened. Within my venture, Champion Business Services, I've realized that my call isn't to assist everyone in personal branding or business start-ups. Instead, I'm here to support Christians grappling with fear and anxiety at the onset of their ventures, guiding them to sync their endeavors with God's grand design.

Narrowing your focus brings intentionality, allowing for more significant impact and clearer direction.

Communicating Consistently

Your ability to convey your message clearly and compellingly will set you apart.

  • Develop a Unique Voice: Your content should reflect your individuality. Whether it's through humor, inspiration, or deep-dive research, find your style. Eric Thomas (aka E.T. The Hip Hop Preacher), for example, uses a motivational tone that's become his signature.
  • Be Consistent Across Platforms: Your LinkedIn profile, Instagram feed, and other social platforms should all echo the same messaging. This helps in creating a cohesive brand identity. Remember, the messaging will be the same, but the delivery of the message must be adjusted based on the platform you use. 
  • Engaging Content: Produce content that provides value and engages your audience. It could be industry insights, how-to guides, or personal stories of your professional journey.

Consistency in your communication fosters trust. When your audience trusts you, they are more likely to become advocates for your brand.

Lastly, building a personal brand is a strategic endeavor that requires God's guidance, introspection, consistency, and an ongoing commitment to growth and engagement. By defining your unique value, establishing your expertise, and communicating with a consistent voice, you will create a personal brand that not only speaks volumes about who you are but also powerfully contributes to your professional journey. Just like any brand, remember that your personal brand will evolve as you do, so remain open to learning, adapting, and growing along the way.

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Author: TaNiya Clayton

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