4 min read
How To Find Your Voice Again -  A Journey of Healing, Purpose, and Triumph

Over 15 years ago, when I gave my life to Christ, I had so much zeal for Him. I shared the message of Jesus with everyone I knew. I was incredibly bold during that time, although sometimes my approach might have been too intense. Nonetheless, I was using the voice that God had given me—which was much different before my life with Christ, where boldness only showed up when I was under the influence of alcohol. Countless special moments with God during that time blew me away. 

There were deep moments of worship, and experiencing His presence to the fullest was my heart's desire. Even looking back to serving Him in church, all I wanted was to serve Him. Looking for a way to serve Him, I signed up to clean the church, which is funny because I wasn't the cleanest person back then, but I just wanted to do whatever He wanted me to do because He had changed my life.

As I attended church services and started to grow in my faith, I was doing great in the works department, but my relationship with God began to suffer. I deeply desired the approval of people more than the approval of God. This shift eventually led to a growing distance between Him and me. As time passed, I ended up experiencing church hurt and becoming angry with God to the point that I just wanted to be left alone. The anger wasn't apparent at first because I still tried to serve Him, but my heart wasn't with Him. That separation triggered a wilderness season spanning 10+ years. 

The wilderness season I experienced also marked my silent years. Not only was I dealing with church hurt, but also trauma from my past and toxic work environments. All experiences that stifled my voice, leading me to question my identity.

Often, I tried to speak, but I felt inadequate, unseen, and dismissed. 

However, Through God's care, I have been able to reclaim my voice. Now, I stand in a place of victory, ready to talk about my journey—but this time, it's from the perspective of triumph. I am eager to share valuable tips on rediscovering your voice and stepping into all the blessings God has in store for you.

Step 1: Recognize Healing Has Taken Place

Often, during the healing journey, you may not immediately notice the progress you've made. It's the moments you choose to respond to a situation differently or see that what once triggered you doesn't affect you anymore. For some, healing means recognizing which people and environments are healthy to be around and which ones aren't. 

Regardless of the specifics, when you finally realize that healing has occurred in areas that once held you back, it's a moment of relief. It's an assurance that God has heard your prayers.

Take a moment to pause and reflect on your growth. 

Compare where you were thirty, sixty, or ninety days ago, or even a year ago, to where you are now—a better, more healed place.

It's important to recognize that inner healing has occurred because if you don't stop and thank Him for it, you might keep trying to pursue something He's already healed you from. You can recognize it and then move on to the next step he has for you.

Step 2: Spend Time with God

Experiencing healing and emotional restoration is a testament to your time spent in fellowship with Jesus and your reliance on the Holy Spirit to guide you through the stages of healing. 

When you're trying to rediscover your voice, it all begins with God reminding you of who you are and the moments of boldness you had before the world tried to silence you. 

During the healing process, that was our focus. 

The Holy Spirit walked us through our journey, but it's a different method from the wilderness to the promised land. We received instructions on how to get through it based on where we were, and now we are receiving instructions on where we are going.

As you spend time with God, you might realize your relationship has shifted, and a different level of trust is needed. 

The trust it took to run my resume writing side hustle is entirely different from running a consulting business. 

Step 3: Writing Out Your Action Plan

God will start speaking to you, confirming your experiences, strengths, and testimonies. Take a moment to notice those little nudges in your heart, those gentle reminders that pop up occasionally. God's saying, "Hey, remember when you were doing that thing that truly felt right, that felt like your calling?" 

These moments are like snapshots of your purpose and glimpses into your unique brand.

After you've gained clarity from God, continue to pray and seek guidance on how to use your voice. This could be as simple as drafting your first blog post, brainstorming the opening chapter of a book, or crafting your first social media post.

Consider the insights God has revealed during your healing journey.

For instance, if He has shown you that your purpose is to teach people about health, ask yourself why. What type of content can you create to assist others on their journey? Determine the avenue through which you want to deliver your message: a YouTube channel, a social media account, a blog, an eBook, or any other platform that comes naturally to you.

Side note: Be open if God mentions something you gave up a long time ago, and He wants you to get back into it. You may have enjoyed writing but are out of practice. It might not come naturally to you initially, but as you write more, you will get back into the flow of things. Discovering your love for writing again.

Step 4: Take Action

Now that you've outlined your plan, it's time to implement it. It's important to acknowledge that using your voice after a long period of silence, vulnerability, or self-doubt can be uncomfortable. You might still feel uneasy even when you muster the courage to share your thoughts.

Remember, feeling uncomfortable is okay; it's a sign of growth.

Keep going, even when it feels challenging. The more you tell your story, share your expertise, and offer encouragement, the more comfortable and confident you'll become in sharing your voice. It's essential to maintain momentum, as this process is a continuous journey of learning and self-discovery. Be patient with yourself as you navigate this path toward embracing your boldness once more.

As you follow these steps—recognizing healing, spending time with God, outlining your action plan, and taking action—you'll find your voice again and experience the fulfillment of God's purpose for your life. Embrace the discomfort, be persistent, and trust that your story and voice can make a difference in the world. It's time to rise up, dream again, and take action—just as God intended. 

Author: TaNiya

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